Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Kempen Mari Beristighfar! =)

Assalamualaikum WBT. Apa Kabar semua sahabat sekalian? Semoga Saya dan Anda semua sentiasa diberi kesempatan oleh Allah untuk sentiasa beristighfar dan memohon ampunan dari Allah-Tuhan yang Maha Memberi Ampunan.

Sekadar ingin berkongsi sedikit hadith mengenai Istighfar. Moga kita sama-sama boleh mengambil ibrah dari hadith ini insyaallah. =)

Ibn Abbas said, Rasulullah SAW said: "if anyone constantly seeks forgiveness from Allah SWT, Allah will appoint for him a way out of every distress, and a relief from every anxiety and will provide sustenance for him from where he expects not."
- Narrated from Ahmad.

This is Hadith Qudsi:

Allah said: "O son of Adam! So long as you call upon Me and hope in Me, I shall forgive you for what you have done and i shall not mind. O Son of Adam! were your sins to reach the clouds in the sky, and were you then to ask forgiveness of Me, I shall not mind. O Son of Adam! were you to come to me with an earthful of sins, and were you then to face Me without having associated anything with me, I shall grant you an earthful of pardon"

The last hadith i would like to share:

Zayd, the client of Prophet SAW, he heard Prophet SAW said: "if anyone says 'I ask Forgiveness of Allah than whom there is no deity, the Living, the Eternal and I turn to Him in repentance (Astarfirullahalazim, Allazi Lailahaillahu Wal Haiyu Qoyum Wa Atubuilai)three times, he will be pardoned even if he fled in the time of battle"
- Narrated by Abu Dawud

SO, hopefully these 3 hadiths could give us benefit and lets us try to implement it in our live! Insyaallah.

Hakikatnya, kemaafan Allah tu sangat mudah untuk kita capai dan gapai. tetapi malangnya, kita sentiasa memandang enteng akan perkara ini. sikap 'nantilah dulu', 'aku masih muda bro', 'aku buzy la bro' dan macam2 jenis alasan seakan satu parasit yang akan memakan diri kita sendiri. So, jom kita bermuhasabah! Insyaallah. =)

p/s- Sampaikan kepada sahabat2 anda! Mari kita berkempen dan mengajak rakan2 kita untuk beristighfar dan memohon ampunan dar Dia-Yang Maha Pengampun!


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